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Planning Board Minutes 9/13/12
Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Thursday September 13, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:05PM
Members Present: Maggie Leonard; co-chair, Stephen Enoch; co-chair, Roger Tryon, Barry Karson, Larry Klein, Alan Salamon and Bridget Krans
  • Previous meeting minutes: The minutes from 8/15/12 were approved as submitted. Enoch made a motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Tryon and unanimously approved.  The meeting minutes from 7/26/12 were approved as written. Salamon made a motion to approve, Karson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
  • Business from the public: A special permit request was received for 523 Main Road. It is currently a single family residence located in the lake shore district. It is being requested to allow reconstruction of an existing attached storage area as well as add on 8 square feet. There would be a change of use to a bathroom and walk-in closet. The total area increased would be less than 5 square feet. The board did not find any issues with the application. Salamon and Leonard referenced the town zoning bylaw to construct a finding. Leonard will submit the finding for review by the board at the following meeting.
  • Bylaw for regulating solar installations: The board continued the ongoing discussion of a solar bylaw for Monterey. Leonard presented an outline that she had written regarding a solar bylaw. The board had a continuing discussion of how to define large scale and small scale solar installations. Leonard stated that it should be regulated by size and not by the efficiency of the panels. Klein stated the bylaw needed to be designed for longevity.
  • Discussion on defining large scale and small scale included: Karson stated that the bylaw could be structured for individual use.  Enoch stated that he favored having a definition for large and small scale; small being residential. How much acreage was needed was discussed.  Both Enoch and Tryon stated that what really needed to be regulated was esthetics. In reviewing other bylaws 250kw or more was considered large scale. Karson wanted the distinction to be made about how the energy would be used. Leonard stated her disagreement.
  • Lighting, fencing, height: Leonard stated that a common maximum height in other bylaws was 15 feet. Klein stated that the design needs to dictate the height in order for the panels to achieve maximum efficiency.  Tryon stated that he is in favor of regulating lighting. Leonard agreed. Leonard stated that manual operated lights were a positive.  The board agreed that some type of fencing would be necessary. The board will continue the bylaw discussion at the next meeting.
  • Mail: A hazard mitigation application was received. A special permit application notice was received from Great Barrington for Long Pond Road. A public hearing notice was received from Tyringham.
  • Reports from Board members: Enoch reported that the ZBA reviewed the Emmerson-Clapp application. Enoch stated that the ZBA had some confusion with a section of the bylaw. They asked Enoch if it would be OK for them to submit questions and suggestions for the planning board to review. The board agreed that it would be fine.
Klein moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:10PM. Salamon seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Bridget Krans